Abstract Submission Form

Author Instruction: Please enter the fields below. Then click the PDF preview button to generate a preview of the abstract. Please ensure the abstract length is no longer than one page. If the abstract length is longer than one page it will not be accepted and will have to be revised. Then click submit. The corresponding author will receive an email confirmation of submission.

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Materials Science

Life Science


Author Instruction: Please ensure that initials are separated with a full stop. Enter authors in the order you wish them to appear in the abstract. Please indicate the corresponding author by selecting the radio button. Please ensure that for authors with the same affiliation the corresponding entries into the affiliation text box match.

The format of affiliation should be department/centre/group, university/institution, city and in the case of non South African affiliations the country.

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Abstract main text:

Author instruction: Not less than 350 words. Paragraphs are not indented or numbered, are without headings and are separated by a blank line. Tables should be inserted as a figure and indicated to be a table by selecting the radio button below the figure. Aknowledgements should be added at the end of the main text.

Please paste text as "plain-text" (Ctrl+Shift+V) to avoid problems produced by formatting.
0 of 3000 charachters - 0 words (minimum 350)

Abstract right column text:

Author Instruction: Should your required text not fit into the main text column you can use this area to add the rest.
0 of 1000 charachters


Author Instruction: References should be numbered and in the following format for journal, book or proceedings. For four or more authors, use the first author followed by et al.

The heading for references will be automatically generated. You do not have to include the heading.

1. Sato, T., Iwatsuki, M. and Tochihara, H. (1999) J. Electron Microsc. 48(1), 1. (Journal)
2. Meek, G.A. (1970) Practical Electron Microscopy for Biologists. London, Wiley-Interscience. (Book)
3. Other, A.N. (2000) Proc. Microsc. Soc. South. Afr. 30, 222. (Proceedings)

Please paste text as "plain-text" (Ctrl+Shift+V) to avoid problems produced by formatting.

Figures and Tables:

Author Instruction: Upload a minimum of 1 and maximum of 3 figures. Images can be reordered by dragging the handle provided after uploading. Before inserting an image, it is strongly advised that it be sized to 80mm wide, at a final resolution of approximately 300dpi, and saved in JPG format. This formatting can be done in most graphics software packages. Inserted images in colour and in monochrome exhibit more than adequate detail and resolution at the required 80mm single-column size after JPG-compression to approximately 150kb size. Please do not insert individual images that are much larger than this.

Figures must have a width greater than 347px.

The figure or table number will be automatically added in the abstract in the order you uploaded the images (left to right on form) . You do not have to include it in the caption text box.

Please note: Tables should be uploaded as an image.

Please paste text for captions as "plain-text" (Ctrl+Shift+V) to avoid problems produced by formatting.

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